Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I'm here Lord and I'm drowning....

It's amazing how much time you have when you're on bed rest!!! So, instead of absorbing myself in Ellen, and Rachel Ray (I love those shows!!!), I decided to spend some time with my Savior. I actually just started our church's Bible reading plan: "Read through the New Testament in 90 Days". I'm in.

I have to admit that right before I dove into God's word, I hit sort of a low point. Tristan and Cooper were gone, I was lonely and feeling sorry for myself. When I get down like that, Satan takes my mind to places I don't want to go. I just obsess over all the bad things; even things that happened years ago. "I'm drowning.." were my first words in my journal. "Why isn't Dad here to see my family?"; "I miss my sister so much it hurts."; "What if something happens to the baby?" and on and on my mind spins.

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Psalm 119:18

That was my prayer for my quiet time today. So, I opened my Bible to Matthew. Matthew 1-4 was first on the list. Here we go....
-Jesus was born!
-King Herod wants to find and kill Jesus
-Mary, Joesph and Jesus stayed in Egypt til King Herod died
-John the Baptist baptizes Jesus
-Jesus went to the desert where He was tempted by Satan - 40 days and 40 nights; "Away from me Satan! For it is written 'Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only.'" Mat. 4:10
-Jesus makes "fishers of men"; "...immediately they left their boat and their father and followed Him." Mat. 4:22

Ok.. what now? I need something big here, Lord. I mean it was so neat how Jesus was born and Jesus fought temptation and I love how the guys left everything and went with Jesus. But, Lord, I'm here all by myself, I almost lost my baby (I thought), I'm scared!! This is all great but I'm drowning!!!

And then I couldn't help but think about Joesph. The dreams, the angel... He just trusted them. He trusted God - no questions asked. Had Joesph not listened to God, King Herod would have found Jesus and killed Him.

Just trust.... no questions asked. But Lord, I can't do that on my own. Exactly.

Father, help me to trust you-- no questions asked, just like Joesph. I am fully aware that I am unable to do anything without Your help. I humbly ask You, by Your grace, to empower me to follow Your word, for Your glory. Amen

Jesus, You're freaking awesome!!!!

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